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Showing posts from March, 2021

Stabilized Mud Blocks - Alternative to traditional Bricks!!

 What are Stabilized Mud Blocks? Stabilized Mud Blocks (SMBs) are an alternative green Building that can be used as an alternative to Bricks or ACC blocks. Bricks and ACC blocks used more energy to produce than SMBs. SMBs are made from a mixture of locally available soil, water, and stabilizers such as cement, lime, or fly ash. The exact proportions of each material may vary depending on the type of soil and stabilizer used, as well as the desired properties of the SMBs. However, a general guideline for SMB production is: Soil: The soil used in SMB production should be clayey or silty, with low sand content. The ideal soil should have a plasticity index (PI) between 10 and 20, and a pH value between 6 and 7.5. Water: The water used in SMB production should be clean and free from impurities. Stabilizers: The stabilizers used in SMB production include cement, lime, or fly ash. The amount of stabilizer used will depend on the type of stabilizer and the soil characteristics. Typically, the

Architecture Gem In the Dessert !

An Architecture marvel has gained its shape in middle of the dessert of Rajasthan, India. Rajkumari Ratnavati Girl's School , Salkha, Rajasthan is trending nowadays for making a change in dessert in term of woman empowerment, construction technology, local art & craft empowerment by an N.G.O. CITTA Foundation.   The Rajkumari Ratnavati Girls’ School in Rajasthan was conceptualized by CITTA founder Michael Daube, and designed by US-based architect Diana Kellogg . The concept of having an center for education as well as women’s center is an unique idea to design & it is more difficult to design it in the middle of the dessert where in day time the temperature goes to its peak of 50° Celsius. But it is true now… The  School is located  in Kanoi village . The school is impressive in appearance, with an oval-shaped structure that conforms to the desert plain. The building comes with elements of sustainability. The school component, known as the Gyaan Center, will accommoda